Here are a list of frequently asked questions and their solutions.

Q. Why isn't my page showing on the website?

This may be because it isn't published.  A published page will show on the website, but an unpublished one will not.  In the content tree, unpublished pages are coloured grey.  When you create or edit a page, you can choose to SAVE your content.  These changes won't be made live on the website.  You can also choose SAVE AND PUBLISH.  These changes will be made live on the site.  You can also UNPUBLISH a page to remove it from the site, but still have access to it later.  

Q: Line Spacing  Is too Big

A: If you hold the SHIFT key down when you press enter.  This will create a soft return and remove the spacing between lines.

Q: How do I adjust the width of a table

A: You can make a table take the full width of the page by setting the width to 100% in the table properties.  Otherwise, you can use a width in pixels (e.g. 500px) or a %.